O La La. Here we are in 2012 already and there is all the buzz about this, that and the other. Euro Zone, summer Riots, jobless all still lead the morning news shows. So nothing is REALLY new then. Same stuff, just flip the calendar page....
When asked about resolutions, I just "say no". I honestly don't believe in them. I understand the historical significance ( new year, new goals, new life), but honestly, it's just an arbitrary date to do so. I'm expecting some good things to happen in 2012 - holiday in the Caribbean with my Girls, go to Sissy's wedding, but there are flops coming my way too - another cross planet move, bills, illness (I'm hacking as I type). So again...nothing new, at least in my world.
This is day 5 and what have I done. Relaxed!!!! But besides that, hubby and I did another London walk on day 2. We stayed close to home and did the Notting Hill Walk - 6 miles in all. Luckily we can stop, read, grab a pint if needed and mosey on. At first I wasn't too sure of this walk. The author took us many lovely old neighborhoods, which I could only glimpse at if I craned down the side streets. I pulled hubby off the beaten path and we oo-ed and aw-ed at the large Victorian mansions. Why these were ignored, I'm not sure. but I suspect it has something to do with the fact that EVERY London neighborhood has them. But as an American, we just don't get this at home!!

Once maneuvered back on course, we were treated to lesser know facts about the fashionable Notting Hill. It had been developed by the Lembroke family, giving it's name to half the streets. It established a short lived race course to rival Ascot. But after it's failure, it was turned into a residential area for ever expanding London.Pottery and Tiles were once the lifeblood of this area and pigerys rained supreme - after all, it was rural! Once quite posh, it became an area for people of "lesser" means in the 50-70's. Caribbean immigrants flooded the area and in the 70's there was much termoil with the Black vs White racists. But thankfully in the 80's that began to change. It was an artsy area which now pulled a more moneyed crowd. THere are still some modest homes and flats but much of the area has been refurbished to it's former glory.
The film, Notting Hill secured it's current status. Written by people living in the are, they used existing buildings and actual businesses for inspiration. The main character's exterior house shots were actually the screenplay's real home.I think no one expected such a dynamic following to this film.
Much of our walking tour took place along this films, and others, shot in this neighborhood. It's such a great vibe to the area. Portobello Road is there which floods every weekend, moistly with tourist. But I love to go to the top area, under the WEst way overpass. that's where the real vendors hawk their wares.
I have to say I love the area, and now that I have a better understanding of the history, it makes it all the more fascinating. No tour would be complete with a pop into the local pub. In we went, and I finally got the Bramble cocktails I've been hunting for all over London.
The chi-chi RAC club didn't have it, but one pokey pub in Notting Hill rocks it! Imagine that.....