Saturday, September 10, 2011

Back to the Blogoshere

I'm tired. Achy actually. Mike and I just got home from a walk through and around Hyde Park. Phew. We opted not to attend the Thames Festival along with 1/2 of London, but chose to finally explore Hyde Park and Kensington Palace. Since we are now members of Historic Royal Palaces for a year, I fully intend to get my money out of it. Kensington palace is just a few blocks away anyway. Did the current tour, which is a very creative "enchanted palace" tour during their refurbishing for next summer and the Olympics. Much of London is under road/site works getting ready for the influx of millions of people....
Since we were in the park, I dragged Mike across it to find out where the closing night of Proms will be. They always hold it outdoors in the park. I figured we could possibly sit outside the paying area and still hear the music. Looks like that may be the case. We scouted out a great looking spot, and will return in a few hours for, hopefully, a free concert.
Yesterday we went out to Greenwich. It was a perfect day for it- not hot, but not chilly either.

We did the Welcome Center and the Royal Naval College grounds, Queen's Palace and the National Maritime Museum. Too pooped to hop it up the hill to the observatory and the Prime Meridian. We'll save that for another trip. So much to do.

Amended at 4pm.....we're NOT going to then Proms tonight , as then weather has turned from sunny to cloudsy and drizzly. Also, Josh Grobin has backed out since he's ill, and I really wanted to hear him. So, we'll be nice and cozy at home on our air mattress couch this evening, enjoying the Proms on the Telly. So much for planning anything...

1 comment:

  1. I live this paining! Who's it by or what's it called? Any idea? I'd love to find a poster or print of it.
