Monday, November 21, 2011

I can here the moans from here.....

Well I did it! I made my first fruitcake. I know, I know. I can here you all from here....BUT, my mom has a great fruitcake recipe which I tried two years ago when my eldest sister made it. The reason I like it is because it's made with dried fruit, and not those nasty "candied Fruit".There is nothing candied about them. They are disgusting flavored, over colored, bits of something that may, or may not have once been fruit-like. But this one is just dried fruits: apricots, dates, raisins, etc. And it has nuts  (pecans for mine) and shredded coconut. Yum. It also lacks the over spiced batter which tends to make it more of a spice cake than a fruitcake.
I fed some to hubby and he didn't die (or even make a face). Something to the effect was said about actually liking it. Either mice have gotten into it, or he's been nibbling on it.(but maybe I don't feed him enough...)
Of course any fruitcake worth it weight (and by gun there should be a lot of it) should be doused in an alcohol. Since I went to the Christmas faires this years, I purchased some Slider just for this purpose. What is Slider you say? It is Sloe (a berry) and cider liquor. God bless Sloe gin. It reappears this time of year just for a short while. Needless to say, I'm stocking up.
But back to the fruitcake.... So what is left has been wrapped in plastic wrap to preserve it lovely alcoholic content. I'd imagine it will be gone by Thanksgiving night.....

Light, delicious, with a bit of Slider run-off

1 comment:

  1. LOL, Heidie! Loved the "eldest sister" jab. Pay back of some sort I suppose. :-) Anyway, your fruitcake sounds marvelous, simply marvelous. Makes me want to actually make one, but alas, I have no time to do anything these days.

    Enjoy... I'm waiting for my piece!

    Elder Becker
