Monday, March 12, 2012

Off to the races....

More fun...this time we're off to the races. Sandown Racecourse to be exact. Just southwest of London lies this cute track. Who knew. Well actually, some of the students knew and had been before. The outing was arranged on Military Cup day, which was once patronized by the Queen Mum. Todays royal was Princess Anne, who look so much like her mom now.

Princess, arriving

Let's start with the view from our box. Yup, somehow we got a box in the Eclipse Pavilion. Good views. And there so much to see. Most people stayed in the pavilion, but I wanted to walk around and people watch. And they were worth watching. Tweed and colored trousers everywhere!!

Horseys, horseys everywhere. it was nice to watch them run and jump. This is not a typical run, but a sprint and steeplechase. Okay, now I'll hear from you horse people that I'm using the wrong terms....fine.  But I can fake it

The group Military Wives performed some numbers between the races. They are a group of actual wives who sung a song written from letters to their service members. Of course in the music machine here, they have become a sensation and rightfully earned popularity and perform nationwide.

Fun day had by all. No great wins, except for Carol.

Wave good bye to the group from below.

1 comment:

  1. You won't hear from me about the horsey terms. I'm as clueless as you. They sounded good to me. :-) What a great event for you guys! Would have loved to experience that whole day. I've even heard of the Military Wives due to my visit. Great photos. Pretty white crowd wouldn't ya say?

    Big Sis
