Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Busy week......let's eat!

This past week has been very full. But I need to break us the posts, so let me start with our school dinner trip to Greenwich's painted Hall.  Blah, blah, blah on the history ( actually I forgot to grab the brochure to bring back with all the dates. While I did read it that night, the facts are long gone due to the amount of alcohol consumed) 
But let's back up a mo, and begin at the beginning. We invited our (former) neighbors, Russ & Jess too come along for the evening. We had been encouraged to invite our defense attache, but since we've never met way. We wanted some fun people!  We felt honored they decided to come along. Since having their first baby back in October, they hadn't gone far afield. This was the perfect opportunity.There were some logistics to overcome, but they made it to Seaford House for pre-drinks and then onto the coach, Greenwich bound.

Yes, Russ is tall 6'7"

As we "pour" into the colonnade of the Painted hall for an hour (yes hour) of champagne and G&Ts, we had no idea of how long we'd be there. Since I'm allergic, I forgo-ed ( or forwent??) the drinks at this point. But it was time for photos before things got out of hand.

 The above shot is of Russ, Hubby and Ken ( Hong Kong). So..... Russ walks up and starts speaking Cantonese. Excuse me?!! Who knew. Later that night he breaks into Russian with Dina over the tabletop. I stand in awe of the man. I thought I could work a room, but he is a Master. That public school education is paying off.  Actually, since he was/is a trader, he has lived in HK and learnt the language. The Russian I'm ot too sure about......

So now it's time to go in for dinner. Good!! Jess and I wore extremely high heels and we were ready for a sit down. Found the table quickly and our assigned palces. Oh joy, I get one of the Fujitsu sponsors on one side ( means talking some shop talk) and lovely Russ on the other.

I get to sit across from Hubby, so my view is good! He gets Jess, so he's happy, but has a Fujitsu spouse on the other wing to deal with. All you people who think this is so fun and easy have NO idea the schmoozing that goes on as well. It's not all fun and games....

But dinner is being served, the never ending wine glass is constantly being refilled  (I hate this as I have no idea how much I've drunk). But I have back up. Yup, I come packing my own. Ya never know in cases like these...

I am not putting all the photos in for obvious reasons....some are blurred and some aren't approapiate. After all, this is an open blog. I have to have some pride.

Goofy Russ

Mike & Sophie

The Painted Ceiling

Stolen kiss (he'd had a few. Looks more romantic than it was)
At some point, after a long winded oratory, we were instructed to cross the courtyard to the chapel and then to the bar in the undercroft  (are you kidding??)  But there are photos to be taken first!!

the usual suspects 

Dick is in the pot
At this point we lose Russ & Jess as they need to get back to Baby. Besides it's nearing midnight. Hubby is fading fast too since he was golfing the day before and up till midnight with that group. All this socializing is too much for us old folks. But first the chapel...

It's time to get Hubby back to the coach. He's beginning to do the famous Taylor head bob. I know he'll be more comfy sitting and resting. So we're the first ones back on board. But soon others follow. It's been a gorgous night with good friends and good food. One last picture to remind us of the time we had.

( I've got the next adventure ready to write but I've lost my camera card. Once I get it, more craziness to follow)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a bit of a Russ-crush (try saying that 10 times very fast). Love the dress. I was trying to figure out where I'd seen you in it before, then it dawned on me, it was two years ago in Arkansas. You were a bright flower for us then.
