Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's Groundhog Day again...but Christmas is coming

Another day of nothingness here is the City State. I know some of you think "she must be mad! Living overseas in that exotic place. What's wrong with her?" ( many things actually!) But I attended a class today titled  Singapore: irks, quirks and perks. It was good for me to attend and to hear what I already know but somehow hearing it helps reinforce it's reality on me. The class is about adjusting culturally to the area.I know most of the information, but like depression, when you're in it, it's just a murky pool. All of the other participants were having the same feelings of  "no control", being lost ( physically), not understanding the culture even though we've read up on it. The gal from SACAC ( Singapore American Community Action Council) who taught the class was helpful in a deeper understanding of the Asian culture beyond what can be read online. Some of the attendees had been stationed in Japan and still felt lost and confused by what is going here. Sounds rather ominous, but it's just so different from other Asian countries, because it such a mix.
Singapore's average temp is 35C  (95F) with 84% humidity. Annual rain is 93" for this Lightning Capital of the World, or at least Asia ( Google it!). There are 5.18 million people on this island of 250 Sq miles......Sinking in yet??? About 20K of these are Americans.
The 5 status Cs in Singapore are : Car, Condo, Cash, Credit cards and Club. One must own a car as they are a limited commodity and an annual raffle is held for the limited Certificate of Entitlements handed out each year. One must own/rent a condo and not a state managed apartment. One must have credit cards and not use cash.  But you darn well have cash!! Then of course you can join one of the exclusive clubs here. They then put the member sticker on the windscreen so others where you belong. And certainly one is not enough! These things aren't done haughtily, but it is a sign of achievement and success, which is important and esteemed here. But it is so NOT me!!
then there is : gender roles, notions of responsibility, rule of law, values, generational roles, meaning of time (never give a  watch as a gift!), role of authority, acceptability of the different, and (lack of ) creativity. These are the culturally things I need to learn, adapt to and apply where I can.
But first...Christmas! The shipment from London of our household goods gets delivered tomorrow. This is huge in my world because we've been living in the bungalow with the rental furniture and I need my own stuff. At the class I was reminded that this creates a comfort zone for me, which has been lacking for over a month now. I know it sounds shallow, but I feel so stripped of myself and any creativity, which is hard for those of us who need to build and create. I've planned, painted and waited and now it will become a reality. there is some trepidation...due to the last shipment sent from San Diego, packed over a year ago which was to be here. I can now tell the true story of that shipment.
Yes, it was prepared last May for delivery of items which we would need here right away, such as warm weather clothes, garden tools, bits of furniture that wouldn't go to London but could be used here. Well, that never arrived. The other, long term shipment come instead. You know, the one containing, skis, power tools, ski wear, radiators and guns... Yup. Guns are illegal to have here. Not only that, but prison for those importing them!! So needless to say, when I say the wrong crates on the truck, I said STOP, made a call and NCIS was here asap. Since then we've been dealing with the Singaporean Government, NCIS, local police getting this resolved and the weapons safely out of the country. As long as they realize it was a mistake and not intended, no one is going to jail. But I suspect we are being watch closely now.
So tomorrow morning I will be like a child on Christmas morn, (hopefully) ripping open boxes and hugging their contents. Some of us never grow up....


  1. Well, everything got delivered, very little damage, and all the boxes are unpacked and stuff put away.
