Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Guilty Pleasure????? least just guilt. That's what I feel sometimes when I don't write for awhile.. OK, it's not like I need to journal everyday. But I think I ought to. I should be writing this all down so in my dotage I can remember the fun times and the adventure. Guilt guilt guilt. It's not as though you all would want to read my daily doings. They are dull, just as I'm sure yours are. Seems like I've been doing a lot of nothing lately. This, of course, isn't quite true. There has been some extra curricular activities, such as the recent Navy Ball, manic gardening, Chinatown visit with hubby. But they don't seem worthy...after all I should record only the exciting bits. Or should I?  Re-reading some of this blog from over a year ago, it does seem so far and distant. Lots of it hit me as "why did I record this?" but some of it were interesting tidbits I had forgotten. Of course I want to put pictures with each entry since I am visually oriented. (I assume everyone else is too) But lately, nothing other than the FB pics has had much interest.
Well, I guess you could say the big news is our last (which was to be the first) shipment arrives tomorrow. This is all the stuff which we put aside to be here waiting for us upon arrival. Again only proving there is no point is planning much in my world...Hopefully it all arrives well. I do have bits of furniture with snapped off legs and pushed is sides which needs to be mended from the shipment from London. I am pleased to have my stuff, but I do realize there will be much loss of it going back and with the shipment sent in error. Oh yes, it's still here melting in a warehouse. All those photos, vinyl records and delicate things I didn't wish to bring...are just sitting there heating up. So in three years, I can only imagine what I will behold when they deliver those crates. I release all the stress of that now (it may take that long to grieve) and just accept it for what it is. I have truly learned to "let go". Reading Brigid Keenan's book Diplomatic Baggage is helping me. She was a UK diplomat wife who followed her Man all over the world. I can relate on many levels, though my experience isn't so grand. I have laughed and cried during the book as it strikes a truth only known to those of us who trail behind our mates.
Well, I think it's time for a cocktail - dang, it's only 11 am...


  1. I truly wish I could be there to share that 11:00 a.m. cocktail. What fun! And yes, we do want to read your "daily doings". They ARE more interesting than ours. We've all been in the same place (work) for years - not interesting. So anything you do must be waaay more interesting to us. Even if it's sitting there picking your nose. You wanna know "dull"? Take my place here for one day, that ought to convince you. :-)

    Love ya Sis ~

  2. I have to add my two cents here. Go ahead and write/blog. Don't worry about including photos. Capture a sense of what is happening in your heart and head. It's not always what we do but also the insights of what we feel or have learned at a certain time in our lives or in a place that we need to capture and remember - otherwise some of us (no names mentioned here) forget. It's good to get it out, too. And of course we all love this window into another lifestyle & exotic culture (frustrating adventures included).
    Personally, I'd like to know what manic gardening is?
    I miss you and Mike.
    Come back in a couple years, would you.
    Your other Sis
