Monday, January 28, 2013

Going Native....

I am always so impressed with the blogs I follow, and wonder why mine isn't as awe inspiring. I think it is because I'm not a faithful writer. I can honestly say writing is NOT my forte, and never will be. I do not aspire to write a book or anything beyond this blog. Thus, as stated before, is a journal of the chaos that is my life. It's not a bad life, rather it's not a usual American life.
But I can see a tendency to be going native now. Hubby and I tend to eat only Asian type foods. Our favorite eateries are HDB hawker stalls (housing estate cafes under the tall apt buildings) where the average meal we buy is S$3, that's US$ 2.40 for a plate full of food. But I think the biggest reason  I'm going native is I don't carry my camera with me everywhere anymore. I keep seeing great things and shouting "I don't have my camera with me". The neighboring pedestrians shake their heads in pity - crazy Ang Mo!!  We're entering Chinese New Year and there is beautiful decor everywhere. I've even bought some for the house. No idea what it says or what it means, but they are pretty, inexpensive and festive!! Alas, no photo....
Well upon the request of my Big Sis, who doesn't believe I really work...anywhere...I did drag my camera to work today to prove to her and others that I do have a job ( though not full time, as I like it).

I did not merely run behind the bar and have someone take the photo. Oh no. I have on the work uniform , complete with ugly hair up requirement.  Just filling water this time around.
Later this week I take the ultimate plunge and have my hair Rebonded..... ( insert dramatic music here). This is a procedure where they chemically treat the hair to straighten it. It also takes some fluff out ( hopefully) but not as much as a Brazilian Blow out. Those are are hugely expensive here, as it is a "western" thing. The locals do the rebonding and being the cheapie I am, I'm going to give it a try. Wish me luck. Photos to follow. I promise.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE it! You working. I need to print this out and send it to mom too. You look great and like you really enjoy what you do. That's the important thing. Remember that, it makes all the difference in the world. And to be doing it in paradise as well. You keep on keepin' on Sis!

    Best o' luck on the rebonding... that sounds like a dental procedure. Hope it's not torture. :-)

    Be waitin' for those photos.

    Luv Ya,
    Big Sis
