Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Tis the Season....

To polish Silver!....
Yes, after pulling out the CHristmas decor and trying to get motivated to decorate, I realize I will have to polish the silver. Oh not all, but just what I want to use. I like to place glass ornaments in a tower and set them on tables and such. But the drama that is decorating gets only worse since I need to crank all the A/Cs on full blast just to get into he "spirit". Christmas music is blaring from the ipod as well (currently Toby Mac) to help get me "there".
So I pull out the silver polish specially purchased in London. Why?? Cause yet another thing I "love" about Singapore is that all my silver tarnishes so quickly. I keep it in a silvercloth lined drawer, which slows the patina slightly, but it's still insane.

the one shiny bowl has a plastic liner keeping the air away.
I've even packed away my silver jewelry as I can't wear it due to tarnishing so badly between wears.
So let's start a pool and guess how long the two pieces I did clean will last. No, really??
Enter your guesses below

Good luck to you....and to me!