Thursday, May 26, 2011

Getting ready now

Here we go... Things are being to move along. I'm actually at "home" in Rhode Island for a few weeks, enjoying my friends and the local area. It's starting to hit me, that I will not be doing my usual yearly things for about 4 years. Of course these will be replaced with new and interesting things. But I have no idea what they are yet. And I won't know till I get over there and see what I want to do.
So currently I'm here in Newport. Had my annual trip to Star Nails and got the world's best hot stone pedicure. Man, is it great. Popped into a few local shops and saw what was new. I even have fun hitting the local Stop n Shop. Just got a few things to make cocktails. But even buying a Polar seltzer can bring a smile to my face. Somehow, it's just fun. It fulfills something deep in me, that says "you belong here". And I do, belong here.
I hope to be able to come back next year, but with another impending overseas move, I'm not sure it will happen. So this trip will have to fulfill that void for awhile.