Saturday, November 10, 2012

Home again, jiggity jig.....

Boy, if that didn't date me, I don't know what will.
But the real reason I'm posting is I've completed the house video!!! Took three tries on Hubby's camera and I still think it's not great. But I wanted to get it on here cause some of you have been asking when it would be up. So it's up. Ready for viewing.
Let 'er roll.
(due to the size of the video, we had to chop it up into three. Sorry about my lack of skills)

Act I, The Outside.

Act II, Scene I, Living Room to Guest Bath

Act II, Scene II, Sewing Room to Finale.

I'm ready for my close up Mr Demille...

1 comment:

  1. Mama Mia, Casa Grande!
    Great tour. Love the architecture. Your stuff looks right at home. Outdoor areas are way cool, too.
    Well, you're settling in now and I hope you have visitors to share your palace with soon :)
    Enjoy it while you have it.

    Your state-side sister,
