Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Birthday to me....I think?

Woke up this morning in a strange bed, in a strange country. Yesterdays (intentional) was a blur.we were up for a day and a half since we were moving quite a few times zones. So we started on the 18th, landed on the 19th afternoon, and here it is the 20th. I did get 11 hrs sleep, so that will put me closer to a "normal" schedule".
I must say, Singapore Air was great! We had decided to purchase our own tickets rather than let the Navy buy ours. Winner! One up, one down and we were there in 13 hrs. That is opposed to the near 20 hrs had we gone with their purchased ticket on Turkish Air .(Does that even exist?)  Food was lovely, service amazing. Flew on one of the two story A 380s. We got to sit upstairs, toward the rear. Very nice.

ambush photography1

On-load, offload was easy as well. They use doors on each level so there is no giant queue.

We were met by our sponsors who had a van ready for all our bags (6 in total.  The most I've hauled in years!)  Then it was north to the base and housing. We are staying at the on base hotel Sling Inn until ?? or at least till we take possession of our house/mansion is week.  Our room(s) are lovely, if not gigantic. Furnished in eastern style , it really sets the flavor for the area.

The Gilberts (sponsors) said there was a command Hail & Farewell that night. Would we like to go? Sure, why not. I have no idea what time my body thinks it is. So off we go.  The thing I recall from last time we left the UK, was on returning stateside how much culture shock I felt. Perhaps it was because I never ventured home during the duration. But I experienced here again last night. Walking into the event, which was held in the area below the house used as a giant patio, it was like "old times in the Navy" again, as if I've never been away. Scary really. It gave me the feeling that the last year never existed.  The food table almost made me laugh out-loud. Some dishes were using velveta, or the famous spinach dip, canned BBQ suace, no veg all carbs.....welcome home. (I shall keep my inner monolog silent here). I did hear one person say "oh, there's a mango tree! You'll have monkeys then". Cringe!! Monkies I can do without. There are black cobras, ants and geckos to deal with. Who needs monkies?
So a low profile today I think. Robyn, the sponsor, is a very A type person. She said she'd be up at 6am, feel free to call anytime. I mentioned I didn't know when I might be up....but I'm up and need to get moving. It's sunny, bright and warm today. Did note that I need to turn the A/Cs warmer. Don't need to freeze upon entering each room. That's the first hurtle done.....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Fortunately, I had gotten up and was dressed before Heidi woke up, otherwise the first line would have read "Woke up this morning in a strange bed, in a strange country, next to a strange man."
