Thursday, October 11, 2012

A funny thing happened on the way to the market....

Well not really. But I have had a change of heart about food and eating here. At first it was so exciting to see all the new and unusual fruit and veg. But now a couple weeks on.....I'm hungry!! I miss a killer green salad everyday. I don't eat Iceberg ( is that really even a lettuce?) and the other greens I've become so used to are hard to find. And when you do, you will pay for it. Hubby has decided to grow them for me. I think I'll be thin in no time....
What is available here has lost it's cuteness factor, and I'm ready to eat veg again. So off I went to Fair Price, our local Piggly Wiggly. I must look like some kind of crazy Ang Mo ( local term for foreigner) just staring at the veg. In my mind I'm thinking " Ok, this looks like spinach, sort of, but that stem isn't right. I wonder if it's bland/spicy/peppery ?" I've also learned to take too much time glaring and thinking. Just a little delay, now move on down. You can always circle back when you decided what it is or whether it's worth trying. Of course everyone else is reaching in past you to grab the brinjai or what ever you are stumped on.
Let me do a pictorial for you...

Napa Cabbage...Pok choy....or as it is known here Chinese Wong bok.

Local spinach....or ask for Ti Wan Chye. How did I let that one get by me?

Chinese eggplant.....I think. It's labeled Brinjai. Hope it's what I think when I cut into it. Looks right, feels right, but one never knows

And then there is the price....yes, I paid $6.09 for two heads of broccoli all the way from Australia. Sheesh. But I have to have some things I recognize and enjoy. I can only live "local" for so long". I've decided to give myself some grace and not worry right now about becoming  a Townie. I'll wade into it at my speed. Pass the ketsup.

And some things are labeled but still aren't right. This said Butterhead lettuce. for whom, a Lilliputian? It fits into the palm of my hand and came four to a box.
I was thrilled to finally find scallions or green onions. We had looked everywhere and I mean everywhere. just kept seeing leeks. I know Chinese use them is so many dishes...where are they. Found them today.

Proof positive they have them after all. THe crazy thing is, we've been looking at them all along. The following picture show why we thought we were seeing leeks and not a giant scallion.

This bad boy is two feet long. I know, I measured it!! I also tore off a piece and ate it to make sure what I was seeing was in fact a green onion. It is. Tastes just like it's tinier US version.
This is culture adjustment at it's rawest. Anyone can go aboard and order at a restaurant. But go into a market or chemist and see if you can buy a staple item. That's where the real thrill lies.
So I need to go and cook some comfort food. May crank on the AC and make Guiness stew. Ya never know....

1 comment:

  1. Yum! I need to whip up a Guiness stew. My hubby would love it. Only problem is, I'm never home to prepare such a feast.

