Thursday, September 15, 2011

Furniture's here....

Oh.... The shipment arrived yesterday... Ahhhhh....this is the part I hate!! I can't explain it, but clutter makes me nervous and feeling disoriented. So, now I have a whole house of it. Actually no, I worked like a busy bee yesterday and today. We have no more boxes to open, but man, do we have STUFF! I purged before we left. I need to it again. I think it has something to do with camping in the house with so little, you get accustomed to minimalism. Now, it's like the store barfed in my house. No one needs this much stuff, no one. I am embarrassed to admit this too. I feel dirty cause I have so much. It's not as if it's even good, quality things. It's just chochkies......
The other annoying thing is, we had the movers (nice guys) unbox. Never had them do this before. Well, they did all but about 6 boxes. But now we are missing bits and pieces. Uncle Sam has no beard or arms, so he's heading for the trash. I can't find others things as well. I know they got left in paper that wasnt unwraped all the way. Nothing valuable, just things I was waiting for. Why can't I loose something I'll never miss? Oh, maybe I have......

1 comment:

  1. Uh oh, who's this sound like? Accusing the unpackers? Hmmm. Glad you eventually found everything. Do you now have Uncle Sam's beard & arms, but no body? LOL!

    Big Sis
