Thursday, August 4, 2011

Feeling so Contintental...

Oh, it's so amazing. Granted, most of this has to do with it's light forever at night. I'm not even sure when it gets dark. But it's light by 4am! Just rolled in from another dinner, in which we sat down to dine at 7pm. It's 8 now. The sun is nearing the horizon but no where near ready to set. We're on the 10th floor of our hotel (on an executive level - not sure how we swung that one.) and the view is gorgeous.

The heat wave is breaking and we're to have some rain tomorrow. Finally, I get to use the clothes I lugged around for the last month, destined for the UK. Now, we're not talking chilly or anything. But definitely cooler is good. Had to dip into the hotel's pool this afternoon. Nothing odd there, except it's in the basement of the hotel, has dimly lit blue lights and one end has a glass wall, so people can watch you swim (?).

It's been good staying here. We've really enjoyed it. It's part of a European chain called Pestana. Wrote this here, so I can remember it later if I want to stay at another one.

Mike's out walking, so I'm gonna curl up with a good book.

PS - just a reminder....this is really an online journal for me. Postings will be  varied


  1. Hey Heidi,
    I like your blog! How fun for me to travel vicariously through you - loved your photos of Yosemite. I must say that if you hang around with Mike in his Hawaiian shirts, you may be spotted as tourists (not always a bad thing). I think a trip to Harrods or Saville Row is in order.
    You two have fun. I'll be tracking you :) Holly

  2. Here, here. I concur! Love this shot of Uncle Mike in his "It's 5:00 somewhere" shirt!
