Friday, August 26, 2011

Today brought me to my second favorite place in all of the UK - Bath. Oh how I love it. It's so .....Georgian. Left Winchester this morning after the quirkiest stay in the little inn. We wanted to take a "direct" route and just drove along some A roads. Ignoring our friends request, the Mathias-Jones', we drove by their new place outside of Salisbury. Too cute. We look forward to visiting them later in the year.
Then onto Bath. Mike has never been. Oddly, I found a hat shop and some great fascinators.

Oh, it's so lovely. Something about it just calls to me. Unless you've been you have no idea. We stopped into Sally Lunn's for lunch. She is/was renown for her buns (think what you will). It's also known as the oldest building in Bath - 1486. Can you believe it?? Bath was built on old Roman baths, which are still there

 but you aren't allowed in anymore. You can still drink the water thought for 50p. Mike vows he'll go back with me and do the Grand Tour. Does this mean the Jane Austen Centre??? We'll see.

Drove a bit more, since we have to return the car tomorrow at noon. We are in Box. No, not a box, but Box Wiltshire. Use the link below. Staying in a B&B at "The Hermitage". At the local pub using their wifi. It's SO different now, trying to track down wifi to keep you all posted.


  1. Que esta el link todo Box? Bath & Box all in one day. Interesting. Would that actually be Bath, Box & Beyond? Corn dog. :-)
